"A Dark Consensus About Screens and Kids Begins to Emerge in Silicon Valley"
It looks like the best and the brightest have sown dragon's teeth – again. While the experts continue to cautiously debate the effects of...
"Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation?"
This title looks very much like clickbait – but in fact it points to a long Atlantic article by Jean M. Twenge (of "narcissism epidemic"...
“When Silicon Valley Takes LSD”
This is the title of a segment on CNN describing a curious phenomenon – the extent to which IT developers and entrepreneurs have become...
Learning 2.0?
A new study in educational psychology purportedly shows that “Gamification of Learning Deactivates the Default Mode Network.” The...
Say yes to excessive TV viewing?
This is the message of a recent op-ed piece by Lisa Pryor, medical doctor and author. The title says it all: “Relax and Let Your Kids...
Why read?
The Science Daily and other outlets report on a study done by Rose Turner, a graduate student in psychology, investigating the...
Aunt Lola’s Cabin
I can’t quite get Alex Tizon’s Atlantic feature, “My Family’s Slave,” out of my mind. It may be a case of unhealthy “compulsion” – as...
Who is most “academically adrift” – and why?
Seven years ago, sociologists-turned-education-experts Richard Arum and Josipa Roksa published a book (under the same name) in which they...
How Google Took Over the Classroom
This is the title of a recent NYT article, for those who missed it. It describes in great detail the questionable sales tactics the tech...
Smart Learning: Less Can Be More!
Children and adolescents now face increasing pressures to boost their academic skills and knowledge. This starts from an ever earlier...